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SCO sagte, dass quasi die dna von Linux von ihrem unix komme. Sie haben (bzw. Caldera hat damals) den Code unter einer BSD Lizenz veröffentlicht... tja - der gerichtsfall wäre dann wohl hinfällig.
Und das gezeigte code sample ist (mal von dem lächerlichen verschleierungsversuch mit der symbol schrift abgesehen) ungefähr seit 20 jahren public domain.
Von Anonymer Feigling am Tuesday 19. August, 22:56 MES (#2)
Der Code befindet sich im Kernel unter Angaben eines SGI-Copyrights. Siehe http://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/
Er wurde als garnicht von SCO geschrieben. Vielmehr ist es uralter BSD-Code der genauso schon ewig unter der Public Domain steht:
BSD Comments (malloc), 1986:
* Allocate 'size' units from the given map. Return the base of the
* allocated space. In a map, the addresses are increasing and the
* list is terminated by a 0 size.
* Algorithm is first-fit.
SGI Comments, 1992 - Present:
* Allocate 'size' units from the given map.
* Return the base of the allocated space.
* In a map, the addresses are increasing and the
* list is terminated by a 0 size.
* Algorithm is first-fit.
Unix 7 (Public Domain) 1979:
* Allocate 'size' units from the given
* map. Return the base of the allocated
* space.
* In a map, the addresses are increasing and the
* list is terminated by a 0 size.
* The core map unit is 64 bytes; the swap map unit
* is 512 bytes.
* Algorithm is first-fit.
Noch besser dieses Usenet-Posting mit dem Code, noch aus einer Zeit (1984) als es SCO noch garnicht richtig gab!!!
(kurz: http://tinyurl.com/khnj )
Das ganze ist ja wohl wiedermal der letzte Witz. Hoffentlich schnallt das die Mainstream-Computer-Presse, ansonsten muessen wir da dringend nachhelfen.
einer der interessanteren kommentare von hier: http://lwn.net/Articles/44981/
out there
(Posted Aug 19, 2003 16:47 UTC (Tue) by ncm) (Post reply)
rfunk said, "we have to go back to a defense of 'that code has been out there for years anyway'".
That doesn't work: copyright isn't the same as trademark. Rather, we (IBM, really) will need to rely on the Regents of U.C vs. USL agreement granting U.C. full rights to that code as it appears in 2.11 BSD and up. UCB dropped the advertising clause requirement sometime after that. SCO has no proprietary rights to anything that appears in the last BSD release. This is not (as is often reported) because they didn't write much of it, but rather because they were in such hot water over having stolen huge amounts of BSD code, they had to give up rights to the code they had written, or lose the right to sell UNIX at all.