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Von Anonymer Feigling am Sunday 20. April, 12:18 MES (#1)
wieso unüberlegt?
Wo bleibt hier die Meinungsfreiheit?
Mr. de Raadt said he believed the war in Iraq was
about oil and not human rights. "It just sickens
me," he said.
Scheinbar rudert ARPA gerade wieder ein wenig zurueck:
"As part of our standard process, we are reviewing and evaluating the work now being done and proposed to be done in the future," she said in an e-mailed statement. "We're sorry if this review process has been misinterpreted as an effort to cancel the work."
(http://www.wilmingtonstar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?Date=20030418&Category=APF&Ar tNo=3041 80871&Ref=AR&cachetime=5)
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