Dear Developer,
Welcome to the beta field test program for the Intel(R) C++ compilers
for Linux*. The beta program for the Intel Fortran compiler for Linux
has already started and is available for download. The Intel
compilers provide superior application performance by supporting the
latest Intel(R) IA-32 and Itanium(TM) processor features, along with
additional advanced optimizations including inter-procedural and
profile guided optimization. The field test includes an IA-32
compiler and a cross compiler that runs on an IA-32 processor to build
Itanium-based applications. The supported operating systems are Red
Hat* 6.2 for the IA-32 architecture and Turbolinux* for the Itanium
architecture, currently available in beta release. We are interested
in feedback on other Linux distributions as we are investigating
support for additional distributions for future releases of our
products. The product release is scheduled for the third quarter of
this year after successful completion of the Beta program.
The compilers have substantial compatibility with the GNU gcc
compiler although this initial product release will not be fully
compatible. Not all of the GNU C language extensions are supported
and due to this, the Linux kernel cannot be built with the Intel
compilers for Linux. Also, this release does not support the GNU
inline assembly format. C language objects files are compatible with
object files or libraries compiled with gcc and we use the GNU glibc C
language library. For C++, the Itanium processor compiler supports the
C++ ABI for the Itanium architecture which when fully implemented by all
compiler vendors will allow C++ objects files and libraries to be
compatible with different compilers. We do not use the GNU C++
libraries and C++ object files are not compatible with the g++
compiler. Some of the common gcc command line options are supported
although not all are currently supported. We are very interested
feedback on all aspects of compatibility with the gcc compiler.
The compilers are available at and are
35 Mbytes in size. To install the compilers, untar the download file
in a directory and run the provided install script as the root user.
Installation instructions are provided below. You need to register
for a license on the download web site, either a node-locked license
to use on a single machine or a floating license that uses a license
server available on your network. The compiler license is free for
the beta program and will be sent via email. The release notes,
installed in /compiler50/docs/CRelnotes.htm where
is the directory you choose during installation,
explain where to install the license file and how to setup the FLEXlm*
license server.All support issues, FAQ's and compiler updates will be available on
the secure Intel Premier Support website. Intel Customer Support
will assist and provide a first response to your issue within one
business day. Please register for support at
We thank you in advance for your feedback, which is the primary
objective of the Beta program.
Performance Tools Operation
Intel Corporation
Intel and Itanium are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel
Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other
* Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
Installation Instructions:
- The compiler packages are in the ccyymmdd.tar file, where "yymmdd"
is the package build date.
- Untar the compiler package, ccyymmdd.tar, in a directory to which
you have write access:
tar -xvf ccyymmdd.tar
- Become the root user and execute the install script in the
directory where the tar file was extracted:
. /install
- The Intel software packages already installed on the computer will
be displayed, and then a menu of the RPM packages from the compiler
tar file will be displayed.
- For the C++ compiler for IA-32-based applications.
- The 'Substitute Headers' package must be installed before the
compiler can be installed. To install the substitute headers, choose
to install the "Substitute headers for use with IntelC/Fortran
compilers for 32-bit applications". We recommend the default RPM
options "-U --replacefiles" to force the update of existing
files. The default installation directory is /opt/intel.
- Install the "Intel C++ compiler for 32-bit applications" RPM package.
- For the C++ compiler for Itanium-based applications.
- The 'Cross Environment' package must be installed before the
compiler can be installed. To install the substitute headers, choose
to install the "Cross Environment Variables for IntelC/Fortran
Compilers". We recommend the default RPM options "-U --replacefiles"
to force the update of existing files. The default installation
directory is /opt/intel.
- Install the "Intel C++ Compiler for the Itanium architecture" RPM
- Once the installation of the compiler is complete, the Intel
packages installed will be redisplayed, followed by a redisplay of
the install menu. Enter 'x' to exit the install script.